6 Symptoms of Cirrhosis and Liver Disease

Here is a shocking statistic for you: The American Liver Foundation states that 10 to 20 percent of heavy drinkers will develop liver disease like Cirrhosis of the liver. When it comes to liver disease, finding it earlier rather than later, can help to prevent even more serious damage from occurring, and can ease the liver back to health. The Digestive and Liver Disease San Antonio has compiled some of the more common symptoms, so if you are suffering from cirrhosis or liver disease in San Antonio, you can get the help you need.
Symptom 1: Fatigue & Confusion
The liver is one of the most essential parts of the body. It filters out toxins and produces nutrients to send to different parts of the body. When one is suffering from cirrhosis, the body is not getting the nutrient it needs, and oxygen is impaired as well. Lack of oxygen can lead to feeling tired, or lethargic. The lack of oxygen going to the brain can also create a sense of confusion for someone that is suffering.
Symptom 2: Jaundice
Jaundice is the yellowing of the skin or the white of the eyes. It occurs in the body when the liver isn’t correctly removing toxins such as bilirubin and causes the skin and eyes to turn yellow.
Symptom 3: Fluid Accumulation
When the liver is not functioning properly, portal hypertension can occur in the body. Hypertension can cause an accumulation of fluid in the legs and the abdominal area. These are some of the more visible signs of liver disease, though they can sometimes be mistaken or confused with weight gain.
Symptom 4: Nausea
When suffering from any disease, a common symptom is that of nausea and vomiting. Nausea can lead to a lack of appetite, malnutrition, and weight loss in those suffering from Cirrhosis.
Symptom 5: Itchy Skin & Easy Bruising
When the liver is suffering, and the cells are dying, it is harder for the liver to produce the proper nutrients needed to be delivered to the rest of the body. The blood vessels in the body expand when someone is suffering from cirrhosis in efforts to getting more nutrients to the body. These enlarged vessels will lead to bleeding, bruising and itchy skin.
Symptom 6: Hepatitis & Fatty Liver
Cirrhosis is one of the more severe forms of liver disease, and those that suffer from it are often diagnosed with either Fatty Liver or Hepatitis before the diseased liver matures to full blown cirrhosis. If you have been diagnosed with either of these two health complications before, it is best to start learning how to avoid further liver damage.
Liver disease, especially cirrhosis, is a severe disease. While it is not entirely curable without a transplant, certain steps can be taken to lessen the pain that is felt from liver cirrhosis and to prevent further damage. If you believe that you might be suffering from the symptoms that are listed above, give the Digestive and Liver Disease Center of San Antonio a call at (210) 941-1662. We have been experts on cirrhosis and liver disease in San Antonio for many years and are dedicated to helping our clients come up with a treatment plan that works for them.
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